Because a happy tomorrow requires
early planning
Because a happy tomorrow needs requires planning
The pressure: Stephanie is about to turn 20 and feeling great pressure from her parents and teachers to choose a career and apply to university. The problem is that Stephanie is curious and likes to try a lot of things. The mere thought of making the wrong choice petrifies her.
The safety valve: After a few meetings with a career counsellor, Stephanie learns to make the difference between interests and hobbies. She pinpoints key factors that enable her to choose a university program that will propel her forward and help her make a mature decision.
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The wall: Jean is 24 years old, works for a large insurance company and worries he is stagnating. He likes the company he works for but lacks challenges. Furthermore, uneven management manoeuvres and political games coming from his immediate superior are sapping his motivation. He feels stuck.
The opening: A few meetings in career coaching teach Jean how to take a more global view of his situation and not to focus solely on quitting his employer. He identifies opportunities elsewhere in the company and elaborates strategies to approach his boss with the intention of building a transition plan.
The strategy: Jean successfully argues his plan to his boss, who in turn and seeing his self-assurance, seems more open to listen. Instead of jumping ship, Jean is now engaged in acquiring the new skills he will require when time comes to apply for the desired job posting that is more in line with his career ambitions.
More on Career counselling for young adults »
The fall: After two years working after high school and a few college semesters under his belt, Jonathan’s college grades are free falling. His motivation is seriously lacking, discouragement and the experience of failure quite troubling.
The ascent: After working with his career counsellor, Jonathan sees the perils of not owning up a purposeful career goal. He discovers his career typologies and explores options that he never realized would interest him as much. He starts to feel better, to see a path forward and logically, recognizes the right program to move ahead with.
More on Career counselling for young adults »
For further information or to make an appointment, here's how to get in touch with us.
Services offered in English, French or Spanish, in person or by videoconference.
Sound advice: Besides helping you make a career choice, we are passionate about ensuring you have all the necessary information and strategies to be successful in integrating the job market and in adjusting to future changes in the field of your choice.
More certainty: Our career counsellors will help you to explore, identify, validate and most importantly, FEEL that you are making the right career choice for you.
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